Who we are
The story of Caritas of Ibiza and Formentera started in 1957. Caritas wants to be a testimony of fraternity practiced in a special way with the most impoverished and excluded communities, in order to help build a more just, participatory and supportive society. This involves a significant change in the social, economic, and political structures that generate poverty, inequality, and marginalisation. But this can only be done through the commitment of different actors, such as the volunteers and employees of Caritas, partners, sponsors, directors and technicians, whom all strive to achieve a more cohesive, supportive, and fair society where everyone can find their place to fit in and participate in a more equal way.
What we do
We base our actions on welcoming and supporting vulnerable and those socially excluded. We promote the empowerment of people to defend their human rights in three areas of comprehensive care and development: basic needs, meaning of life, and social participation.
The main objective of the day centre programme is to welcome all the homeless and those that are socially uprooted. We offer them a space where each one of them has the possibility of starting the integral programmes of personal, family or social recovery, or employability, in order for them start getting their lives back on track.
Caritas Ibiza offers the possibility of insertion itineraries adapted to the needs of each participant and making use of the various resources we have available: pre-workshops for homeless people, workshops for employability, orientation and employment mediation, training, legal and immigration services, economic and in-kind benefits, etc. The insertion programmes begin in the educational pre-workshops to care of their basic needs. In these pre-workshops different skills are worked on, such as encouraging self-awareness, literacy reinforcement, memory, concentration, manual tasks, group work, and discipline (timetables, etc), among others.